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General Scholarship
________. The Bede Pack.Newcastle upon Tyne: Durham County Education Committee,1973. ________. Commemorative Supplement on Bede. Northumbria: The Northern Echo (24 May 1973). Alcock, L. "Fenesrae Obliquae: a contribution to literate archaeology," Antiquity 48 (1974) 141-43. Allen, Michael Idomir. "Bede and Freculf at Medieval St. Gallen." In Beda Venerabilis, eds. L.A.J.R. Houwen and A.A. MacDonald. Anderson, R. "Passing the Harp in Bede's Story of Caedmon." English Language Notes 15 (1977) 1-4. Armstrong, John, III. "The Old Welsh Computus Fragment and Bede's Pagina regularis." Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquim 2 (1982): 187-273. Arngart, O. S. "On the Dating of Early Bede Manuscripts." Studia Neophilologica 45 (1973) 47-52. Ashbrook, J. "Arizona Artist and an Anglo-Saxon Monk." Sky and Telescope 59 (1980) 125. Babcock, Robert G. "The 'proverbium antiquum' in Acca's Letter to Bede." Mittellateinisches Jarrbuch 22 (1989) 53-55. Baker, M. "Medeival Illustrations of Bede's Life of St. Cuthbert" Warburg and Courtauld Institute 41 (1978) 16 and 40. Barnard, L. W. "Bede and Eusebius." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Bately, Janet. "Bede and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle." In Saints, Scholars, and Heroes, eds. M. King and W. Stevens. Benedikz, B. S. "Bede in the Uttermost North." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Bieler, L. "Ireland's Contribution ot the Culture of Northumbria." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Bischoff, Bernhard. "Zur Kritik der Heerwagenschen Ausgabe von Bedas Werken (Basel 1563)." In Bischoff, Mittelaleterliche Studien. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1966-81. 1: 112-117. Blair, Peter Hunter. "The World of Bede." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. ________. Northumbria in the Days of Bede. London: Victor Gollancz, 1976. ________. The World of Bede. London: Secker and Warburg, 1970. [rpt. Cambridge University Press, 1970, 1990.] ________. Venerable Bede: Lecture Delivered in the Monk's Dormitory at Durham, 2 June 1979. Chester-le-Street: Dean and Chapter of Durham, 1979. Bolton, W.F. "A Bede Bibliography, 1935-1960." Traditio 10 (1962) 436-45. Bonner, Gerald. "Bede and medieval Civilization." ASE 2 (1973) 71-90. ________. "Bede Studies in 1973." Clergy Review 58 (1973) 689-96. ________, ed. Famulus Christi: Essays in Commemoration of the Thirteenth Century of the Birth of the Venerable Bede. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,1976. ________. "Ireland and Rome: The Double Inheritance of Northumbria." In Saints, Scholars, and Heroes, eds. M. King and W. Stevens. Bridbury, A. R. "Seventh-Century England in Bede and the Early Laws." In The English Economy from Bede to the Reformation. Woodbridge: Boydell, 1992. 56-85. Brown, A. "Bede, A Hisperic Etymology and Early Sea Poetry." Medieval Studies 37 (1975) 419-32. Brown, George H. Bede the Venerable. Twayne's English Authors series 443. Boston: Twayne, 1987. 42-61. ________. "The Meanings of interpres in Aldhelm and Bede." Interpretation: Medieval and Modern, eds. Piero Boiatni and Anna Torti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 43-65. ________. Bede the Educator. Jarrow Lecture 1996. ________. "The Preservation and Transmission of Northumbrian Culture: Alcuin's Debt to Bede." The Preservation and Transmission of Anglo-Saxon Culture: Selected Papers from the 1991 Meeting of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, eds. Paul E. Szarmach and Joel T. Rosenthal. Studies in Medieval Culture, 40. Kalamazoo, Mich: Medieval Institute Publications, 1997. 405-430. Brown, Julian. "An Historical Introduction to the Use of Classical Latin Authors in the British Isles from the Fifth Century to the Eleventh Century." Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull' alto medioevo 22 (1974) 237-93. Campbell, James. "Bede." In Latin Historians, ed. T. A. Dorey. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966. _____. "Bede I." In Essays in Anglo-Saxon History, ed. James Campbell. London: Hambledon, 1986. _____. "Bede II." In Essays in Anglo-Saxon History, ed. James Campbell. London: Hambledon, 1986. Cedrini, L. B. "Annotozioni lessicali considetto Beda (mss. from 1747 della Biblioteca Nazionale de Parigi), a margine delle Lexikalische Untersuchungen zu Girart de Roussillon di M. Pfister." Cultura Neolatina 36 (1978) 33-59. Chadwick, H. M. "Vortigern." In Studies in Early British History, ed. H. M. Chadwick. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954. _____. The Origin of the English Nation. (1907) Washington, DC: Clivedon, 1983. Chatháin, P. "Some Early Irish Hymn Material." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Christie, Y. "Ap. IV-VII, 1: de Bède à Bruno de Segni." In Études de Civilisation Médiévale (IXe - XIIe siècles). Poitiers: C.E.S.C.M., 1974. 145-51. Coates, Simon. "The Bishop as Pastor and Solitary: Bede and the Spiritual Authority of the Monk-Bishop." Journal of Ecclesiastical History 47 (1996): 601-19. _______. "Bede--the Miraculous and Episcopal Authority in Early Anglo-Saxon England." Downside Review 113 (1995) 219-32. Conner, P. "Bede's Monastery Museum." Illustrated London News 267 (Aug 1979) 44. Cosmos, S. "Oral Tradition and Literary Convention in Bede's Life of St. Aidan." Classical Folia 31 (1977) 47-63. Cramp, Rosemary. "Monkwearmouth and Jarrow: the Archaeological Evidence." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Crépin, A. "Bede and the Vernacular." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Cross, J. E. "Bede's Influence at Home and Abroad." In Beda Venerabilis, eds. L.A.J.R. Houwen and A.A. MacDonald. Davidse, Jan. "On Bede as Christian Historian." In Beda Venerabilis, eds. L.A.J.R. Houwen and A.A. MacDonald. _______."The Sense of History in the Works of the Venerable Bede." Studi Medievali 23 (1982) 647-95. Davis, R.H.C. "Bede After Bede." Studies in Medieval History Presented to R. Allen Brown, eds. Christopher Harper-Bill et al. Woodbridge, NH: Boydell, 1989. DeGregorio, Scott. "The Venerable Bede on Prayer and Contemplation." Traditio 54 (1999). Dillon, Miles. "The Vienna Glosses on Bede." Celtica 3 (1956): 865-72. Dionisotti, A.C. "On Bede, Grammar, and Greek." Revue Bénédictine 92 (1982) 111 -41. Dumville, D. N. "New Chronicle-Fragment of Early English History." English Historical Review 88 (1973) 312-14. Eckenrode, Thomas. "A Case for the Venerable Bede: More Attentive Inclusion of an Eighth Century Monk's Pedagogical Values in the History of Education Textbooks." Dialogue 9 (1975) 21-24. _____. "The Growth of a Scientific Mind: Bede's Early and Late Scientific Writings." Downside Review 316 (1976) 197-212. ________. Original Aspects in Venerable Bede's Tidal Theories with Relation to Prior Tidal Observations. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1970. ________. "The Venerable Bede: A Bibliographical Essay, 1970-81." American Benedictine Review 36 (1985) 172-94. ________. "The Venerable Bede as an Educator." The History of Education 6 (1977) 159-68. ________. "The Venerable Bede: A Humanist Educator of the Early Middle Ages." Dialogue 10 (1976) 21-31. _____. "Venerable Bede as Scientist." American Benedictine Review 22 (1971) 486-507. _____. "Venerable Bede's Theories of Ocean Tides." American Benedictine Review 25 (1974) 56-74. Englische, Brigitte. "Realitä'tsorientierte Wissenschaft oder paxisferne Traditionwissen? Inhalte und Probleme mittelalterlicher Wissenschaftsvorstellungen am Beispiel von De temporum ratione des Beda Venerabilis." In Dilettanen und Wissenschaft. Zur Geschichte und Aktualität eines wechsvollen Verhältnisses. Ed. Elisabeth Strauss. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996; pp. 11-34. Fairless, Peter J. Northumbria's Golden Age: the Kingdom of Northumbria AD 547-735. York: Sessions, 1994. Farrell, R. T., ed. Bede and Anglo-Saxon England: Papers in Honour of the 1300the Anniversary of the Birth of Bede, Given at Cornell University in 1973 and 1974. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1978. Fischer, B. "Bedae de titulus psalmorum liber." In Festschrift Bernhard Bischoff zu seinen 65. Geburstag dargebracht von Freunden, Kollegen und Schüern herausgegeben von Johanne Autenrieth und Franz Brunholzl. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1971. 90-110. Folkerts, M. "Pseudo-Beda: De Arithmeticis propositionibus: eine mathematische Schrift aus der Karolingerzeit." Sudhoffs Archiv Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftgeschichte 56 (1972) 22-43. Fordyce, C. J. "A Rhythmical Version of Bede's De Ratione Temporum." Archivum latinitatis medii aevi 3 (1927): 59-73, 129-41. Fraser, Veronica. "The Influence of the Venerable Bede on the Fourteenth-Century Occitan Treatise Las Leys d'Amors." Rhetorica 11 (1993) 7-26. Frich, Heidi Ilona. "'Even the Sea Served Him...':the Soldiers of Chirst and the Restauration of Nature in Some Works of the Venerable Bede." In Quest of the Kingdom, ed. Alf Härdelin. Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell, 1991. 65-77. Fry, Donald K. "Two Bede Bibliographies: a Progressive Report." Old English Newsletter 25.1 (1991) 34-36. ________. "The Art of Bede: Edwin's Council." Old English Newsletter 11 (1977) 4-5. Gleason, Michael. "Bede and His Fathers." Classica et Mediaevalia 45 (1994) 223-38. Godfrey, J. "The Place of the Double Monastery." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Gòmez Pallarès, Juan. "Los excerpta de Beda (De temporum ratione, 23-25) en el MA.ACA, Ripoll 225." Emerita 59 (1991): 101-122. Goffart, Walter. The Narrators of Barbarian History (A.D. 550-800): Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede, and Paul the Deacon. Princeton University Press, 1988. Grant, R.J. "Lawrence Nowell's transcript of BM Cotton Otho. B. xi." Anglo Saxon England 3 (1973) 111-24. Gribomont, J "Saint Bède et ses dictionnaires grecs." Revue Bénédictine 89 (1979) 271-80. Harris, Stephen J. "Bede, Social Practice, and the Problem with Foreigners." In Essays in Medieval Studies 13 (1996) 97-109. Harrison, K. "Woden." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Heidenreich, H. "Beda Venerabilis in Spain." MLN 85 (1970) 120-37. Hickmore, M.A. St. Paul's Church: Jarrow. Newcastle upon Tyne: Frank Graham, 1979. Higbie, M. "Flight of the Swallow in the Mayor of Casterbridge." English Language Notes 16 (1979) 311-12. Higham, N. J. The Convert Kings: Power and religious affiliation in early Anglo-Saxon England. Manchester University Press, 1997. _____. An English Empire: Bede and the Early Anglo-Saxon Kings. Manchester University Press, 1995. _____. The Kingdom of Northumbia A.D. 350-1100. Dover, NH: Alan Sutton, 1993. Hill, R. "Bede and the Boors." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Hill, T. D. "Bethania, the House of Obedience: The Old English Christ II, 456-467." Notes and Queries 27 (1980) 290-92. Hines, John. "Britain after Rome: Between Multiculturalism and Monoculturalism." In Cultural Identity and Archaeology: The Construction of European Communities, eds. Paul Graves-Brown, Sîan Jones, and Clive Gamble. London: Routledge, 1996. Holtz, L. "A l école de Donate, de sainte Augustin à Bède." Latomus 36 (1977) 522-38. Houwen, L.A.J.R. and A.A. MacDonald, eds. Beda Venerabilis: Historian, Monk & Northumbrian. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1996. Hudson, K. "Enterprise in Jarrow: The Bede Gallery." The Illustrated London News 268 (Dec 1980) 83. Humphreys, K.W., and Ross, A. S. "Further Manuscripts of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica, of the Epistola Cuthberti de Obitu Bedae, and further Anglo-Saxon texts of Caedmon's Hymn and Bede's Death Song." Notes and Queries 22 (1975) 50-55. Hunter Blair, Peter. "From Bede to Alcuin." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. _____. Northumbria in the Days of Bede. New York: St. Martin's, 1976. _____. The World of Bede. (1970) Cambridge University Press, 1990. [reissue of the 1970 edition, with a forward and bibliographical addenda by Michael Lapidge] Huws, D. "A Welsh Manuscript of Bede's De Natura Rerum, " Bulletin of he Board of Celtic Studies 27 (1978) 491-504. Isola, A. "De Schematibus et topis di Beda in rapporto al De Doctrina christian di Agostino." Romanobarbarica 1 (1976) 31-82. Jones, C. W. "Bede." In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, ed. C. C. Gillispie. New York: Scribners, 1970. 564-66. ________. "Bede's Place in Medieval Schools." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. ________. Bede, the Schools, and the 'Computus', ed. Wesley M. Stevens. Collected Studies, 436. Brookfield, Vt: Variorum, 1994. Kelly, Jospeh F. "On the Brink: Bede." Journal of Early Christian Studies 5 (1997) 85-103. Killion, Steve B. "Bedan Historiography in the Irish Annals," Medieval Perspectives 6 (1991) 20-36. King, M. H. "'Grammatica mystica,' a Study of Bede's Grammatical Curriculum." In Saints, Scholars, and Heroes, eds. M. King and W. Stevens. ________ and W. Stevens, eds. Saints, Scholars, and Heroes. Collegeville, MN: University of Minnesota, 1979. King, Vernon. "An Unreported Early Use of Bede's De natura rerum." Anglo-Saxon England 22 (1993) 85-91. Kirby, D.P. "per universitas Pictorum provincias." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Kottje, R. "Ein bisher unbekanntes Fragment der Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum Bedas." Revue Bénédictine 83 (1973) 429-32. Lagorio, V.M. "Bede's De Orthographia in Codex Vat. Ottob. Lat. 687." Classical Philology 70 (1975) 206-08. _____. "An Unreported Manuscript of Bede's De Orthographia in Codex Vaticanus Reginensis Latinus 1587." Manuscripta 19 (1975) 98-106. Laistner, M. L. W. "The Library of the Venerable Bede." In Bede: His Life, Times and Writings, ed. A. Hamilton Thompson. New York: Russell & Russell, 1966. Lapidge, Michael. Bede the Poet. Jarrow Lecture 1993. ________. Bede and His World. The Jarrow Lectures 1958-1993. 2 vols. Brookfield, Vt: Variorum, 1994. ________. "Some Remnants of Bede's lost Liber Epigrammatum." English Historical Review 90 (1975) 798-820. Lees, Clare and Gillian Overing. "Birthing Bishops and Fathering Poets: Bede, Hild, and the Relations of Cultural Production." Exemplaria 6 (1994) 35-65. Lipp, Frances Randall. "The Carolingian Commentaries on Bede's De Natura Rerum." PhD Dissertation, Yale University, 1961. Lofstedt, Begnt. "Cauma bei Pseudo-Beda." Eranos 89 (1991) 61-62. Loomis, C. G. "The Miracle Traditions of the Venerable Bede." Speculum 21 (1946) 404-18. Lowe, E. A. "A New Manuscript Fragment of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica" (1926) and "A Key to Bede's Scriptorium: Some Observations on the Leningrad Manuscript of the Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum'" (1958). In Paleographical Papers 1907-1965, ed. L. Bieler. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972. 221-23 and 441-9. Lucas, P.J. "Old English Christian Poetry." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Lynch, K. "Evidences of a Knowledge of Greek in England and Ireland during the Age of Bede." DAI A 38:1 (1977) 227. Magallon Garcia, Ana Isabel. "Evolucion del genero de Orthographia hasta Beda," InActas I Congresso nacional de latin medieval, ed. Maurilio Perez Gonzalez. Leon: Universidad de Leon, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 1995. 293-299. Martin, Lawrence. "Bede as Linguistic Scholar." American Benedictine Review 35 (1984) 204-17. Mayvaert, Paul. "Bede and the Church Paintings of Wearmouth-Jarrow." ASE 8 (1979) 63-77. ________. "The Date of Bede's Thirty Questions on the Book of Kings to Nothelm." Forthcoming. ________. "The Registrum of Gregory the Great and Bede." Revue Bénédictine 80 (1970) 162-66. Mayr-Harting, Henry. The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England. London: B.T. Batsford, 1973. [rpt. Pennsylvania State UP, 1991.] McCready William D. "Bede and the Isidorian Legacy." Mediaeval Studies 57 (1995) 41-73. Meaney, A. L. 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