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Homilies and Commentaries
Callahan. Daniel F. "Ademar of Chabannes and His Insertions into Bede's Expositio Actuum Apostolorum." Analecta Bollandiana 111 (1993) 385-400. Douglas, I. M. "Bede's 'De Templo' and the Commentary on Samuel and Kings." In Famulus Christi, ed. Gerald Bonner. Gorman, Michael. "The commentary on the Pentateuch attributed to Bede in PL 91.189-108." Revue Bénédictine 106 (1996) 61-108. _______. "Jacobus Pamelius (1536-1587) and a St Victor Manuscript Used for the 1563 Edition of Bede: Paris lat. 14489." Scriptorium 52 (1998) p. 321-330 + pl. 48-51. Hart-Hasler, J. N. "Bede's Use of Patristic Sources: The Transfiguration." Studia Patristica 28 (1993) 197-204. Holder, Arthur G. "New Treasures for Old in Bede's De Tabernaculo and De Templo." Revue Bénédictine 99 (1989) 237-49. ________. "Allegory and History in Bede's Interpretation of Sacred Architecture." American Benedictine Review 40 (1989) 115-131 ________. "Bede and the tradition of patristic exegesis." Anglican Theological Review 72 (1990) 399-411. ________. "The Venerable Bede on the Mysteries of Our Salvation." American Benedictine Review 42 (1991) 140-62. Italiani, Giuliana, "Il `De templo Salomonis' di Beda e il commento ai re di Claudio di Torino," Immagini del Medioevo: saggi di cultura mediolatina. (Biblioteca del "Centro per il collegamente degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria" 13). Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'alto medioevo, 1994, pp. 179-190. Kelly, Joseph F. "Bede's Exegesis of Luke's Infancy Narrative." Mediaevalia 15 (1993) 59-70. Martin, Lawrence. "Bede's Structural Use of Wordplay as a Way to Truth." In From Cloister to Classroom: Monastic and Scholastic Approaches to Truth, ed. E. Rozanne Elder. Kalamazoo, Mich: Cistercian Publications, 1986. 27-46. ________. "The Two Worlds in Bede's Homilies: The Biblical Event and the Listener's Experience," In De Ore Domini: Preacher and Word in the Middle Ages, eds. Thomas L. Amos, Eugene A. Green and Beverly Mayne Kienzle. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 1989. 27-40. Meyvaert, Paul. "Bede's Capitula Lectionum for the Old and New Testaments." Revue Bénédictine 105 (1995) 348-80. ________. "Bede, Cassiodorus, and the Codex Amiatinus." Speculum 71 (1996) 827-83. Ray, Roger. "What do we know about Bede's Commentaries?." Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 49 (1982) 5-20; Robinson, Bernard. "The Venerable Bede as Exegete." Downside Review 112 (1994) 201-26. Ward, Benedicta. "'In medium duorum animalium': Bede and Jerome on the Canticle of Habakkuk." Studia Patristica 25 (1993) 189-193. |